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Find A Damon Braces Doctor Near Me

Use our simple Map to locate a Dentist near you who can guide you to your “Damon Smile!” 

Why Damon Braces? 

The Damon System offers a wider smile compared to traditional braces — the kind of smile favored by over two-thirds¹ of adults. With the Damon System's broad arch smile, the occurrence of dark triangles at the corners of your mouth is minimized, enhancing your overall facial profile. This can potentially contribute to a more youthful appearance. 

While treatment time can vary, doctors and their patients find that the Damon System has been proven to treat faster and require fewer appointments than traditional braces. The System uses light force, high-technology, shape-memory wires move teeth more efficiently, reducing office visits and treatment times to help you better manage your busy schedule. 

Who Can Use Damon Braces? 

Damon Braces can be used by almost any age, and your Provider, using the Damon System, will be able to guide you to the best solution using our more comfortable braces in your daily routine. And as they come in both traditional metal and nearly clear alternatives, they are designed to meet your aesthetic. 

Find a nearby Orthodontist today and begin the experience the Damon difference for yourself.